Sunday, 17 August 2008

French Cheese Thanks to Stef!

Had a wonderful gift brought back from France last week as my friend Stef was on holiday there with his long-suffering wife who deserves the George Cross at the very least. Can't wait to tuck into this tonight maybe I'll really get in the French mood by watching Cyrano De Bergerac and not wearing any deodrant, - thanks Stef:) - I'll bring you some tripe back when I'm next in Yorkshire! (By the way Stef has a great Italian Restaurant in Soho HERE)


stefano said...

Your re very welcome....Truth is I forgot to buy you anything so I popped into Lidl and bought it....they have a good selection of almost genuine French cheeses !

stefano said...

Your re very welcome....Truth is I forgot to buy you anything so I picked this up from Lidl who have a great selection of almost genuine French cheeses !